Are you a Vacation Bible School Hero? I've got something for you...

It’s July and we’re right in the middle of Vacation Bible School season!  This is that magical time of year when churches have one of their biggest Children's Ministry outreaches of the year.  Being true to Psalm 78, VBS teams across the country are telling “the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done.”  It’s a fun time, a rewarding time, an exhausting time.  It's also very much a labor of love.

For the last four years, in addition to making inspired jewelry, I was the VBS Director at my church.  Like many of you, we started the planning very early. Like in January. If you’re a Vacation Bible School nut like me, you started planning for the next year while you were still working on this year’s event.  I loved every minute! This year I participated through prayer, but I really missed being hands-on. So, I’m living vicariously through you!

“...we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done.”  - Psalm 78:4

I’m so grateful for the volunteers and ‘volun-tolds’ (you know who you are) who come together to fulfill the great commission in your own neighborhoods.  Each person is important to the success of VBS: from the elderly person who consistently prays; to the teens who, sometimes begrudgingly, help with set decorations; to the fearless teachers and activity leads.  You're a channel of God's love through your hard work and dedication.  You are the heroes of Vacation Bible School!

VBS Kingdom Chronicles - Tracy Hibsman

There are so many ‘wins’ that happen, like when you discover that a child you thought wasn’t paying attention actually got it and has perfect recall.  Or the team celebration on the last night. Of course, there’s the biggie...a child accepting Jesus Christ. They are all unexpected and all a cause for gratitude and joy!

Then, there are the ‘woes’.  The flood that claimed half of your set backdrop, so close to opening day.  The sprained ankles and stubbed toes at game time. The preschooler who is so exhausted he can’t stop running...and you have to chase him so he doesn’t get away. The child who seemed soooo close.  Each VBS has it’s unique set of woes, but they are kind of like childbirth. You are so overwhelmed with love that eventually you forget enough to make you want to do it all over again because, in the end, it’s all worth it and God has worked everything out for good.  Once again, He reminds us that He always does.  

"...God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose."
- Romans 8:28

I love a good reminder.  It's why I make meaningful jewelry inspired by Scripture.  So you'll have a tangible reminder of the gifts God has given you, like that gift of love that carries you through VBS week.  The Greater Love Heart Earrings are inspired by John 15:13.  The design includes the symbol of love and the texture of the cross.  They reflect the gift of love.

Greater love has no one than this; than to
lay down his life for his friend.  - John 15:13

I've got a VBS Hero gift for you here.  It's something to remind you of the purpose behind all of the 'wins' and 'woes'.  I'll send it off when you sign up for my email community.  In my community newsletter, you'll get inspiration, behind the scenes peeks, and special offers right in your inbox.  

Did you participate in VBS this year?  Yes? You are a hero. Share your role, your biggest 'win' or 'woe', and how God worked it out.  No? Can I interest you in a fantastic opportunity?


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